man working out at the gym with a kettlebell

4 Kettlebell Moves That Will Build Lower Body Strength

Kettlebells have been used in European and Russian gyms since the 19th century dating as far back as 1885. A versatile piece of exercise equipment, the kettlebell works well for strength development. You can perform a variety of movements with a single or pair of kettlebells. Even though kettlebells are great for building total body strength, the focus of this article will be on lower body exercises.

Here are four lower body exercises, one or two of which, you may want to try in your next Jefit strength training workout.

Kettlebell Front Squat

The kettlebell front squat is a great addition for your next routine if building leg strength is a goal. Focus on keeping your chest up as you lower your body into a squat position. On the return, focus on on your glutes as you try to push your heels through the floor. The movement will also build grip strength.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Performing kettlebell goblet squats can be a fun and effective strength building exercise. The movement is perfect in a general strength workout or a circuit program.

Single-Leg Deadlift

The kettlebell single-leg deadlift is a terrific unilateral exercise that will build hip and leg strength. Maintain core stabilization when performing the movement, as well as a slight bent-knee in the involved leg. It can also be used to determine any strength deficits between left and right side of the lower extremity.

Pistol Squats

A kettlebell pistol squat refers to a single leg exercise. This is considered an advanced exercise. Keep in mind when executing this particular movement, focus on sitting back first as you then slowly lower the body using one leg. This is also another great movement to test for bilateral strength deficits in the lower body. You can also improve balance and build ankle strength.

Each of these four exercises are great in and of themselves. Think of adding a few of these movements into your next jefit strength training program to change things up a bit.

Stay Strong Together

Jefit, named best strength training app by Sports Illustrated, Esquire, GQ, Men’s Health, Greatest, Forbes Health, and many others. We offer a community responsible for 92,000,000 workouts to date! The app, which recently passed 10 million downloads, comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. The app also has ability to track data, offer audio coaching cues, and can share workouts with friends. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Read the scientific paper published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research using the Jefit app. Also, a great Jefit app review was recently published by MUO that can be found here.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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