The gym is a great place to meet like-minded people who are there for the same reasons you are – to work out and feel good. However, like most places, there are gym rules and regulations that should be followed. If you are new to the gym or need a reminder, here is a list of things that you should adhere to, for the benefit of all gym goers.
Proper Gym Etiquette: Learn the Gym Rules and Regulations
1. Use a Towel and Wipe Down Equipment
One of the best things about going to the gym is having a sweaty workout that leaves you feeling good. What feels less good, is if other members have to use a machine after you to find that it is covered in sweat.
While sweating can’t be avoided, there are some things that you can do to minimize the damage. Use a towel and lay it on the machine. This way, the towel can absorb most of the residue.
Also do a quick wipe down of the equipment afterwards as well. Most gyms will also have paper towels and spray hanging around the gym so put them to good use., especially with all things related to COVID-19.
This will definitely keep all gym goers happy and keep the hygiene levels up.
2. Don’t Hog the Machines
A gym can only have so many machines. If the gym is empty or no one is waiting for you to finish your set, then go ahead and spend as much time on it as you want. However, sometimes, you may want to use a machine at the same time as another member and vice versa.
One of the unspoken gym rules and regulations, in this case, is to not be a machine hog.
There usually won’t be a set time limit for each machine that you have to adhere to but be mindful that other people may be waiting.
While I am not suggesting that you cut your sets or workout short, a recommendation to work around this, especially during busy peak times, is to have somebody “work in” with you. Let someone else use the machine during your rest time. Then swap.
This way, neither of you are waiting for the equipment or feel rushed to finish your sets because someone else is waiting.
It is time efficient, not to mention great gym etiquette to help your fellow gym goers out.
3. Put Away Your Equipment
A common gym rule that people should follow, and unfortunately do not, is to put away all the equipment that you use.
It is just courtesy to help contribute and keep the gym neat and tidy and put things back where they belong. Not only that, when other members want to use something, they know exactly where it is and won’t have to search for it because you’ve left it out.
When it comes to putting away your equipment, also make sure that it is in the right order. For example, if you are using dumbbells, put the 20 lb. dumbbells where they belong, and not where the 5 lb. dumbbells go.
4. Keep Your Gym Bag Off the Floor
Most gyms have lockers or space for you to store your gym bag and other items. For the sake of other gym members, use them.
This way, you are not leaving your personal belongings out on the floor, taking up room. It is really annoying when you want to use the bench but someone has their things all over it, or if you have to step around people’s things like a landmine.
Putting your things away in the designated means that also eliminates the chance of someone stepping on or tripping over your stuff.
To make it easier, try not to bring too many things and only the necessities.
5. Don’t Criticize Others
The gym should be a safe place where people are able to train without judgement from others. Everyone is on their own level with their own fitness goals so leave the criticism at home.
In addition, try not to give advice if it was not asked for. While you may have good intentions, some people like to train differently. Hence, it can be quite annoying to give your opinion when it was not necessary. An exception to this is if you see someone doing something that it potentially dangerous or could result in injury.
These are just some of the common gym rules and regulations that help keep the gym a fun and friendly place, so be sure to follow them!
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Do you have more gym rules and regulations you want to add? Or have you seen other things that annoy you at the gym? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to know!
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