How to Use a Foam Roller to Target these Trouble Areas

Specific modalities such as therapeutic massage and soaking in a hot tub can offer immediate results. Spending time rolling out tight muscle and connective tissue comes with similar results. Using a foam roller can lead to immediate relief from muscle pain and stiffness. There seems to be certain areas on the body that require more upkeep than other areas.

Of course each body is unique but these three areas are a great place to start for most. The areas we’ll look at are the neck, back and lower leg. Let’s take a look at how to roll-out these areas to obtain the most benefit.

How to Release the Neck Area

If your day job requires hours in front of a computer screen or you live on your phone, you’re neck and traps are most likely tight. Forgot working out and stress from life itself, screen time – alone – requires regular attention focused on the neck and upper back area. Our neck (cervical spine) is in excessive flexion for a good part of the day due to too much screen time. Enter the foam roller! It can help, even with just a few minutes a day.

Lie supine with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Position a foam roller behind the neck. Roll out the neck and upper trapezius areas. Use a slow (one inch/second), controlled speed when rolling out any area of the body. Keep the head straight, then turn right, then left as you roll-out. Then just stay in that position for a few minutes, focusing on our breath. Next, gently stretch your head (using your hand) left and right. You may feel some “knots” or adhesions, especially in the upper trapezius area. When you do…Just hold that position for 60-90 seconds and breath!

Great for a Tight Back

Foam rolling the entire back can be extremely beneficial. Try giving yourself a bear hug to pull the shoulder blades apart. While holding that position, roll out the area between the shoulder blades (rhomboid and middle trapezius muscles). Next, position the foam roller across the lower shoulder blades. Try this stretch, if you do not have any pre-existing issues in this area. Position the hands near your ears, like your going to perform a sit-up. Take a deep breath in and exhale as you relax and stretch backwards a few inches. Next, move forward a few inches (flexing your trunk) and repeat for 10-12 repetitions. Go slow and take it easy. The stretch is performed using a very small range of motion. Following this, continue to roll out the low back area. Move in a slow and controlled manner, staying on areas that are tight for 30-60 seconds.

Change the Way Your Feet Feel

We tend not to think of our feet until something happens to them. It usually takes an injury before you realize just how important the feet are. My best advice (having had a few foot injuries over the years) is to stay ahead of lower extremity injuries. Prevention is the best medicine. When the bottom of your feet start to bother you, soak them in warm water and epsom salt for thirty minutes in the morning. Another great thing to do is when your sitting down staring at your phone, roll out the bottom of the feet with a golf or tennis ball.

Work on rolling the the front and back of the lower leg on a regular basis. This will help decrease the chance of issues like plantar fasciitis. Focus on rolling out the lateral side of the lower leg. This is where you find the peroneal and tibialis anterior muscles. Next, sit on the floor and position the foam roller on the calf muscle. Don’t be surprised if this area is a little painful. It most likely is very tight with all the walking and running you’re doing. Take your time and roll-out the posterior side of the lower leg. Pay close attention to the outside (lateral aspect) of the lower leg just below the knee. Rolling out the areas mentioned here will help keep your feet feeling healthy.

Stay Strong Together

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Michael Wood, CSCS
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