German volume training is a type muscle hypertrophy program. At the core of this plan is the program design, where you typically perform one exercise per muscle group plus accessory lifts. There has been research on this type of training plan, found here, from a previous Jefit article on the topic.
Programs using German Volume Training
The Jefit app has published two strength training programs to date on this topic. The first program is an intermediate level plan. The second program, is newly released, and is an advanced session. Let us know what you think of the programs in the Jefit community.
“Modified” German Volume Training (3-Day Split) – Intermediate Level
German Volume Training Plan – Advanced Level
Program Design for the Advanced Level Program
This is a three day training program. Monday focuses on the back and chest. There are two primary lifts for each training day that require 10 sets of 10 repetitions, with 90-seconds of recovery. Session length is about 66-minutes. The program is laid out as a Mon/Thur/Sat. This can be changed to look more like the following: Chest/Back on day one, Leg/Core on day two: Rest, Shoulders/Arms on day three, Rest.
Wednesday: This day targets the legs and core. Session length is about 69-minutes.
Friday: The third training session for the week focuses on the shoulders and arms. This session is about 64-minutes long.
Stay Strong Together
Jefit app, named best fitness app for 2023 by the International Association of Strength Coaches, Lifewire, GLAMOUR, and many others, comes equipped with a customizable gym routine planner and training log. Take advantage of Jefits exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.
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