iron points

Helpful Tips You Need to Know About Jefit Iron Points

The Jefit app offers members an opportunity to continually earn iron points for logging workout data, sharing items in the community and much more. Many Jefit users have said that iron points are a great motivational tool that helps them workout more consistently. One of the many great things about Jefit iron points is having the flexibility to cash them in for an upgrade to Jefit Elite.

The award-winning app has more than 10 million downloads currently on iTunes with a growing database of new users every day. Here are a few tips that spotlight the value behind Jefit iron points.

Helpful Tips About Jefit Iron Points

Jefit points are “consumable.” Did you know there are a few ways to get a free upgrade to Elite? First, each time you earn 400 iron points, you’ll have the option to “cash in” those points for a free week of Elite. Nice! See the second way to get that upgrade to Elite further below in the article.

You have a maximum of 20 times a month where you can earn iron points for a valid workout session. The minimum length of time for a workout is currently set at 20-minutes. Note, there has been some discussion about lowering this time a bit because of shorter home workouts. We’ll keep you posted on that. Be sure to always…always…share your logs to the community. Sharing it means synchronizing the data to the web server thus earning valid points.

Here is another tip for you, the best way to maximize Jefit iron points is to consistently train and track your progress. Simple as that! Persistence definitely pays off here in the long run. Remember, train and log it. Jefit will handle the rest.

Everybody gets iron points

The majority of people use the Jefit app to log, plan and track strength workouts. But don’t forget about doing cardio exercise and getting iron points for your time. You can earn 20 iron points for a minimum of 20-minutes of any type of cardio. Don’t miss out!

Also, engaging in and around the Jefit community is another easy way to earn iron points. Many members like to provide tips and advice regarding their friends workouts. The good news here? You earn more iron points for doing so.

Finally, millions of members use and love the Jefit app. By simply letting your family and friends know how great the app is could lead to a savings for you. When a friend eventually becomes an active user, for two weeks or longer, you guessed it, another free month of Elite comes your way!

One Thing to Watch Out For

Avoid working out twice in a 24 hour time frame. For example, your first workout starts at 9 am and then a second at 9 pm. There’s a built-in cooling period. It also keeps someone from point “stuffing” by entering bogus workouts one after the other in order to increase iron points.

Valid Scoring For Workouts Look Like This:

Finished a valid workout session, you receive 20 points!

Complete 2 workout sessions within 4 days, 5 points.
Finished 3 workout sessions within 6 days, 5 points.
Complete 4 workout sessions within 8 days, 10 points.

You Earn Iron Points for Individual & Group Contest and Now Assessments Too!

If you place well in a Jefit individual and group contest you can earn iron points. The top three groups to finish the current group contest (October-December 2021) will earn 19,600 iron points for a year of Elite.

There is also a new Jefit assessment feature found under the profile tab on both platforms. The first time you take the three exercise assessment (push-up/wall squat/plank) you’ll earn iron points as well.

Workout with Jefit

Take advantage of Jefit’s 1400 exercise database in your workouts. Jefit is a fitness app that comes equipped with a customizable workout planner, training log, and ability to track data. There is also a members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Stay strong with Jefit.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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