jefit insights thoughts I think it doesn't make sense to include cardio in the weekly sets analysis. the ! shows that 10sets per muscle group in a week is an ideal target to reach. makes sense but you wouldn't really do sets in cardio. I often do 1 set of moderate pace cardio after workouts. on active rest days I still just do one set of more intense cardio. but I rarely do more than 1 a day. should be more of a total time in a week thing? or maybe not include it among the weekly sets chart. 🤔🤔🤔
9 people like this 4 comments
Kogre Agreed that it should be categorised and measured differently.
4 days ago
Nitin_bansal Thanks for the feedback! We’ll address this soon.
4 days ago
fitafter45 Agree, I gave up on cardio in Jefit. It starts up asking you to do “3 sets” 🙄
4 days ago
LostNatureGirl Absolutely, the default is a little crazy. 😂
3 days ago

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