Reality check or real?? the red parts are what I'd like to build. quads, hammies and calves. I'm super quad dominant so I've been trying so hard to find stuff for my glutes that I think maybe I've neglected my quads. any advice would be appreciated. workouts or whatever you think of. am I being impatient/unrealistic? this is the most muscle I've ever had/least amount of fat with that muscle(I'm trying to bulk from 133lbs, @ 140lbs now). I'm used to being thicker so now my legs just feel so thin to me:') any ladies who have felt this please comment!!
7 people like this 9 comments
livelikeanapexpredator how long have you been at this? I don't think it's bring impatient. trust in the process. People can have different genetics and there could be other factors involved too.

as for quads and glute? I personally believe now that walking lunges is as glute workout, that works the quads as well. doing this and hip thrust will work them both. try doing more of these 😊

you could also go for deadlifts? I feel my quads more there but feel the glutes too

for quad specific, I tend to do my leg extensions at lower weights and slower tempo higher reps. 20lbs. but 15 reps. boom all the way up explosively then slowly down but don't let the plates touch to keep tension
9 days ago
carlosfromspain Bulgarian split squats helped me a lot for my gluts, and also work quads. They can be done easily at home and are back friendly.
9 days ago
experiencedlifter90 Gotta take in loads of factors, how long have you been training for ? How often do you train ? How many sets per week per muscle group ( that you’re focusing on ) how many kcals are you on per day ? How many hours of sleep per night ? Do you use any supplements?

These are all things you need to take into consideration. I am by no means a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist but happy to give advice/opinions where I can.
9 days ago
anne9681 I started working out in 2018 but had a car accident in 2020 so weight lifting has been on/off because of my back. this last 2 years I've been focusing on my core for my back. need to start getting back into strengthening everything.

I workout 5-6 days a week but currently it's more core/full body. I get 7-8 hours a night. I eat 1800-2k a day. I'm 5'5. my job gives me 7k steps a day and then I come home to workout. either pilates or weight lifting. I'll just do higher reps and focus on my form, light weight because that's all my back allows for now. really just being doing Pilates/PT workouts and lately started back up with my "normal" workouts
9 days ago
mrjon Compare the red areas you point at, to those same areas on cyclists. Is very low impact, but takes time. Bike, Mtn bike, indoor trainer, etc..
9 days ago
fitafter45 Hi. First off, you look fine! But more muscle is always good, right? 😊

For quads and hams, you can go two ways: compound (glutes plus quads/hams), or more isolation. Compounds keep things simple, may save time. Isolation for more emphasis.

Squats and lunges work quads and glutes. RDLs work glutes and hams. Do single-leg variations for lighter spinal loading as suggested by Carlos and Apex.

For isolation, leg extension and leg curl variations are what you want. You can try Nordic curls for bodyweight versions.

For calves, standing calf raises, weighted or single-leg if needed.

That’s it, pretty straightforward for these muscle groups
8 days ago

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