journey of the last year. I'd love some advice. NOT NORMAL:) Have chronic back pain, been to Drs, etc, can't afford it as of 1.5 years ago. car accident was 4 years ago. Don't know where to go from here fitness wise. It's hard to hit certain goals when I feel like my back is holding me *back*. mostly do pilates and light weight lifting(I.e no weight)feel like I'm probably being impatient but I still like the feedback. I'm 5'5 also. was 200lbs in 2018. Hit 120lbs somewhere in 2021. struggled with no appetite/back pain was worse than normal for a while. went to a PT in 2022 and they helped me a lot. Felt "skinny fat"(1st pic) so I dirty bulked(2nd pic). I was then able to maintain 132-135lbs(3rd pic) for about 6 months+trying to build muscle before I decided to bulk again(4th pic). The 4th pic is where I'm at now. Just been maintaining this weight, trying to clean up my diet, feed my muscle, trying to focus on form since I hurt myself otherwise...
18 people like this 23 comments
Stirtob I had a simular start in April as I was working through whiplash from a car accident. it takes time but I found if I could focus on each muscle while lifting the weight doesn't matter. feeling the muscle work properly is so satisfying and the results are amazing!
2 months ago
Alcastive My advice is whatever you do that won't hurt your recovery to stay fit do it, even if it's not much, btw the progress is clearly seen in the last pic.
2 months ago
atticus6 Good luck! You look amazing. especially considering you've been in chronic pain for 4 years. I tried the curable app and it really helped me with my chronic pain. but didn't make it go away but made it seem well oppressive.
2 months ago
Bgood22 One of my favorite fitness YouTubers is Jonni Shreve. He has great videos explaining the basics and proper form. He also has great cues and a great mindset.
2 months ago
cajetfit Dec 24: Love the curves
2 months ago
Double-A-Ron 1st off your body is rockin! You’ve crushed your body weight goals and have done phenomenal with your accident recovery. With your level of determination I’m certain you’ll develop the structural integrity to reduce your pain and continue on your fitness path.
2 months ago
TammyRae what is your main goal or what are you looking to achieve?
2 months ago
dcarvin Sorry to hear about your challenges, but great to hear you are not giving up! I had some serious lower back pain about 6 months ago. Went to the Dr. then to the chiropractor and neither worked. Went to a massage therapist and she cured it in one session! You would need to find a therapist trained in pain relief, not just relaxation therapy. I go regularly every 6 weeks ago. Well worth the $!
2 months ago
SirCharlemagne You've made amazing progress! Just don't let your head get ahead of your body in expectations. Keep doing what you can and try out some of these amazing suggestions... Eventually things would improve. Stay patient and don't overstrain your body. Keep your eyes on the long term goal.
2 months ago
Acki-senior Why don't you i
nvest in a PT ?
Get an exercise program tailored to your needs. Get the right exercises and exercise them right. He/she could also advise on the right workout combinations and improve mobility and flexibility.
2 months ago

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