can anyone tell me what this area is? is it my ass or my legs??? I don't like it and I feel shaped weird. I did do a bulk and definitely think this area was flatter when I was skinnier. when I was skinnier I had less ass though so I'm just confused on what this is labeled as.
6 people like this 15 comments
breezy1149 it's what's commonly referred to as the point of no return line. once a guys hand wanders past that point he's 100% ass grabbing...Looks great too ! keep up the hard work
9 days ago
DramaMomma Glute-Ham tie-in I carry extra fat there....I think it's like abs the only way to get rid of it is with a better diet. It is hard for me to see what you are pointing at since you are wearing all black.
8 days ago
livelikeanapexpredator it's the glute-hamstring tie-in. it's not an actual part in anatomy but basically the area where the 2 meet

us ladies often store fat more in this area so it's hard to tone. when I watch lady bodybuilder vlogs they mention the struggle to tone this area alot, esp figure and wellness ladies.

Janet Layug (5x ifbb champ) recommends barbell deep squats, DB RDLs, DB walking lunges and the lying ham curls 🍑
7 days ago
anne9681 these leggings are also super cheap and thin so nothing is really being held up or squeezed in like some other leggings do
9 days ago
heartscar Look like where your glute meets the muscles under it
9 days ago
Double-A-Ron I call it awesome! Workouts are working!
8 days ago

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