"Looking for YouTube fitness creators similar to Jeff Nippard, Jeremy Ethier, Eugene Teo, and ATHLEAN-X who focus on evidence-based training and proper form. Who else would you recommend?"
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Double-A-Ron I enjoy Dr. Mike Israetel his youtube channel is Renaissance Periodization (RP Strength). He’s a little crude and his humor is more or less awkward.
7 days ago
p.bxtrm Dante Trudel, Jordan Peters, Scott Stevenson, John Jewett, Joe Bennett, Sam Pearce, Kuba Sylvester Cielen, Luke Miller. They are all educators that understands that science exists in a vacuum and how to actually implement it in training.
7 days ago
carlosfromspain If we are are talking about strictly 100% science based and also part of the actual research and academic field and not science based influencers but without a proper science background like Nippard, Ethier, Teo, and the like that just repeatthe info as best they can, then off the top of my head I would say among the top ones would be

Eric Helms and the rest of the team at Team3DMJ, Mass Review or Iron Culture (Eric Trexler, Zourdos, etc.)

Menno Henselmans, pretty active on social media now. His course for personal trainers is regarded as among the best in the world and 100% unbiased science based.

Brad Schoenfeld, doesn't post much on social media himself but his PhD graduates like Milo Wolf do, you can find some at Stronger by Science too.

These names may not be as popular as mainstream influerncers like Nippard but they are one step above them in terms of scientific knowledge and academic experience to be able to actually interpret the scientific literature and apply its information correctly, sciemtific studies review publications like Mass Review from Eric Helms for example are what some of the top mainstream influencers like Nippard use to be able to understand the studies on sports science.

Unfortunately many creators market themselves as science based but in reality they lack the training and knowledge and do not apply the science correctly, some even have sone formal training like Jeff Cavalier but do keep up with the latest or are too biased in their old ways and may appear scientific but in fact are not that much.
7 days ago
sr_fitness Will Tennyson, Browney are good. Browney is more for challengings and Will is more for techniques and routines but often partners with Jeff Nippard.
7 days ago
tom_porter I've gone through a number of programs from some of them. if your focused is hypertrophy then Nippard's programs are really good in exercise selection and affordable. RP has pivoted to his app which is OK but too expensive imo. I haven't seen better exercise selection in others. some are power lifting focused.
4 days ago
tom_porter athleanx programs qre great starting out because of the form instructions videos for every exercise. he is more athletic focused. his bodybuilding programs are ok but need to add volume and they are phased in blocks for 90 days or so. I liked old school iron and beasxt in beast mode.
4 days ago
livelikeanapexpredator Cori from Redefining Strength is my go-to no BS fitness inspiration and advice

she doesn't tell you the things you want to hear, but gets straight to the things you need to hear.

even if it's the ugly things

she will tell you do stop doing shaky bad form bulgarian split squats. and go back to the basics with "boring" bodyweight lunges, then earn the Strength to do BSS properly
3 days ago

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