JEFIT DEVELOPERS, HELP NEEDED!!! Since last night, I can't seem to access my notifications or chat, nor can I see comments on any topics when using the app. Nothing seems to work anymore!!! What's going on? How many of you have the same problem?
10 people like this 14 comments
Eric-Jefit Thanks, we are looking into issues with the android app
25 days ago
sean-jefit We had a server incident occur that our monitoring systems did not detect and notify us about. The issue is resolved now. Thanks for reporting it!
25 days ago
BekiSW Same here
25 days ago
gersondealmeidamaia2 Same here 😪 Can't even login into the app since my last workout
25 days ago
gersondealmeidamaia2 Well done Jefit 👏🏽
25 days ago
Kogre I had some odd stuff happen with chat not showing up and the app notifying me that my phone didn't have an internet connection, which wasn't true. Seems to be okay now.
25 days ago

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