I'm looking for any tips on barbell squats or barbell DLs. Should I be pushing through my heels or toes? I've been lifting pretty light, focusing on form. Tonight I put plates under my heels on squats, putting more weight on my toes and more balance. I usually try to push through my heels on both squats and DLs. Any advice?
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liquidfire Alexander Bromley and rennesaince periodization have great tutorials on YouTube
1 year ago
fitafter45 I try to keep centred, not too far towards either toes or heels. Aim is to be stable. See what helps you focus on the muscles you want to work.
1 year ago
njv2 I agree with the above comment. Aim to be STABLE. I would definitely say I feel more like I'm pushing through my heels, but your whole foot has to be firmly planted. I would say don't overthink it. On both movements, the bar should remain pretty much directly over the middle of your foot the entire time(ideally). Also as far as elevating your heels with plates, I know tons of people do that with no problems, but it is not 100% safe and slight variations on the placement under your heels can slightly change your stability/force production from workout to workout. I would highly recommend getting squatting shoes (shoes with a built-in elevated heel) if you prefer that. You can find some even on Amazon for like $100. I personally Squat and DL barefoot because I have a home gym. good luck to you!
1 year ago
donofvan Watch tomorrow platz do squats on YouTube. It doesn’t get any better.
1 year ago
pxavier Push through heel on both. It will also be a cue for balance and depth. Some people like plates under heel because of poor ankle mobility. You can also get lifting shoes which have a heel. Raising heel makes squat a little more quad dominant. That is if you use high bar vs low bar squat.
1 year ago

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