155kg (342lb) personal best. πŸ˜ƒ goal of doing 200kg by this time next year. what are other people's goals?
9 people like this 3 comments
Shvabic I hit 165 kg some weeks ago. Failed 170 kg today. Fatigue is too high since I've been pushing rep PRs on deadlifts and all-round squat PRs.

I have the same goal. 200 kg deadlift by end of next year. It's by far my worst lift out of the big 3 in relative terms. Might hit a 3 plate bench before that lmao.
1 year ago
Shawn.Mac Walking without knee pain! πŸ˜‚
1 year ago
fitafter45 Great job! Good question. Haven’t set any yet.
1 year ago

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