When looking to build strong glute muscles, exercises like barbell squats, hack squats, deadlifts and hip thrust machines, all work nicely. But what about if you don’t have access to exercise machines, an olympic bar and weight plates? The following exercises are all great glute options when limited in terms of exercise equipment.
1. Walking Lunges
Lunges are always a great option when equipment is limited. They are great for targeting the gluteus maximus muscle. You can alway add dumbbells or kettlebells if available for an added challenge.
2. Step-Up
A great exercise for engaging the upper leg including the hip complex with emphasis on the gluteal muscles.
3. Reverse Hypers
A great posterior chain exercise that targets the hamstrings, glutes and erector spinae. As you look to challenge yourself more – move from a flat bench to a 30-degree incline bench. This offers more range of motion compared to flat bench reverse hypers. You can also add ankle weight or use a dumbbell for added resistance.
4. Single-Leg Glute Bridge
In addition to performing the movement as shown, you can also extend one leg straight up and hold it there. Then perform the bridge using one side only, moving the glutes off the floor during each repetition as you thrust upward.
5. Long Jump
A great bodyweight exercise that will overload the glutes. Make sure you land “softly” with the entire foot on the ground to help absorb the load of your bodyweight.
Final Thoughts
We hope you try some of these hip exercises which will help you develop strong, powerful glute muscles. All you really need is a bench (or plyo box) and your bodyweight to get started.
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