Lower Leg Review: Adding Muscle Size and Strength

One of the more challenging areas on the body for building muscle size is the lower leg. Specifically the posterior aspect of the lower leg, which consists of two main muscle groups as well as the plantaris muscle (ankle flexor). We will focus, though, on the calf muscle (gastrocnemius), which is more superficial and beneath that the soleus muscle. Although the soleus does have its own separate and distinct origin, it blends into the achilles tendon with the gastrocnemius. The calf muscle has two heads that lead down the back of the leg attaching to the achilles tendon.

Now, let’s look at a few specific exercises that you can use to strengthen both of these important, but often neglected, muscle groups. The first two exercises are for the calf while the second two seated exercises activate the soleus muscle. Keep in mind, whenever the knee is bent, the soleus is doing the work. When the knee is straight, the gastrocnemius is doing the lifting.

Cable Single-Leg Calf Raise

Calf Press on Leg Press

Machine Seated Calf Raise

Smith Machine Toe Raise

Final Thoughts

Remember, most muscles are made up of a combination of fast and slow twitch fibers. The gastrocnemius is a fast twitch muscle (think explosive) while the solues is a slow twitch muscle (think muscle endurance). As a result, you need to train them differently. Basically, more repetitions for the soleus. Finally, one easy way to maintain optimal lower leg strength is to pair each set of calf work with an exercise for the opposing muscle group, the front lower leg (tibialis anterior).

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Michael Wood, CSCS
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