How to Take Your Body Transformation to the Next Level!

It is always nice to get a fresh perspective from someone having success in changing how they look and feel. There are many such dedicated individuals who use the Jefit app who have experienced amazing body transformations. One such person who we wrote about in the past was Steven Duckwiler. In this article we will talk about another one of those individuals, Adam Meaney. We have been following Adam in the Jefit community for months now. He caught my and our teams attention more than four months ago with his amazing transformation.

Documenting the Journey Equals More Success

One of the first things I noticed with Adam was his engagement in our online community. He, like many others, was always posting his workout results, photos, nutritional intake and much more. One photo in particular (used here) actually showed his body transformation through a series of photos. In addition, he did a nice job adding periodic bodyweight and percent body fat measurements. Research has shown, documenting your fitness journey (like this) can be not only be motivational but also end with better results.

Jefit Q&A with Adam

How long have you been using the Jefit app for? 

I first tried it back in 2019, but never really stuck with an exercise program. I started using it again in late 2022 when I started my journey to get back in shape.

What type of strength programs do you gravitate towards? Split routines, circuit training? How many days a week do you work out?

For a while I was using Apple Fitness and doing total body circuits, but I wanted something more consistent and focused, and that’s when I switched to JEFIT and found a split routine that I have been doing since the start of the year. I’ve tweaked it here and there to make it my own (swapping out exercises that I don’t enjoy lol or focusing on a particular area) but for the most part the routine has remained pretty much the same.

When using Jefit do you prefer traditional workouts (sets, reps, etc.) or interval based workouts (time specific)?

I recently added two days of MetCon in between days 1/3/5 of my split routine, and I’m definitely enjoying the burn that comes with the interval based workout! For making progress strength-wise, I prefer the sets/reps workouts, but for that extra burn I’m really enjoying the interval mode.

What do you like best about the Jefit app ?

Best parts of the app: the tracking for sure. I’m terrible at remembering what weight I was lifting or how many reps I did, etc… so I love having the logs there. It helps me know when it’s time to step it up to the next level, and really push myself.

A Few More Body Transformation Questions

How important is nutrition in your mind? Do you use protein drinks before or after your workout?

Nutrition is huge when it comes to reaching your goals. Tracking my food with MyFitnessPal along with tracking my workouts with JEFIT has really helped me make the progress I want to. I will have a pre-workout and creatine shake before my workouts, and a protein shake (40 grams of protein) afterwards. Occasionally I’ll have another shake later in the day if need be. I usually aim for 160 grams of protein per day. 

Do you like to do anything to round out your strength training program? like mobility work, yoga etc?

I’ve tried to get into a stretching routine as well, using an app called Pliability. It’s a great bedtime routine, helps feel limber first thing in the morning! It has lots of different routines to target specific areas or goals. Not as often I will do a yoga routine through Apple Fitness, but I prefer the deep, long stretches with Pliability. 

What does recovery mean to you?

Recovery is listening to your body, and giving it the break it needs. Part of that is getting a good sleep (which can be difficult with shift work) but the other part is knowing when it is time to lift less weight for a week, or even just take a couple days off to focus on something like stretching or yoga instead of lifting. 

Do you supplement strength workouts with any type of cardio? do you like HIIT?

For a while, on my non-lifting days, I was doing rowing (again through Apple Fitness) which usually involved some sort of intervals. I’ll occasionally hit the treadmill on my lunch or dinner break at work for a brisk walk. Now I’ve incorporated the MetCon which I enjoy better than HIIT, because I always found HIIT hard on my knees. 

Final Thoughts on this Body Transformation

We can all learn from this successful fitness endeavor. As someone who has worked with hundreds of clients and athletes in the past, similar to Adam, I can tell you he gets it! Adam understands that nutrition is a huge piece of the overall health/fitness puzzle. Like many others in our community, he puts in the hard work and sweat equity in the gym. He makes no excuses for himself. When he is side tracked for a bit with his eating or exercise routine, it’s OK. He doesn’t beat himself up about it. This was evident from a recent comment that we saw he made in the community. I think you would agree with us that Adam has done an excellent job and we look forward to December when he posts his next round of photos. A before/after photo can really tell a story! Keep up the great effort Adam!

Stay Strong Together

The award-winning Jefit app comes equipped with an advanced customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and features to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Try one of the new interval-based workouts and add it to your weekly training schedule.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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