deadlifting at the gym

How Your Coaching Business Can be Profitable with Jefit Coach

There are tens of thousands of coaches and personal trainers who are trying to gain a foothold in the fitness industry with their business. With all the competition, especially now in the Covid era, it can be difficult to grow and be successful. This is where Jefit Coach comes in. In these changing times, more and more coaches and personal trainers are trying to gain traction with some type of hybrid or online business model. Compounding the problem at this time, activity at gyms and health clubs across the country has decreased. This is where Jefit Coach can help coaches and personal trainers manage and scale their businesses. The Jefit Coach platform can help a coach or trainer transform their business in the following four ways.

Exercise Programming

Coaches and trainers have the ability to create customized exercise plans from Jefit’s premium exercise library that includes more than 1350 exercises. There are also thousands of exercise programs already developed that coaches can recommend to their clientele. Trainers can also build their own strength training workouts and track their clients progress over the course of a training program. The training options are plentiful, like the ability for clients to try interval-based programs, split routines, choose programs with supersets, at-home workouts, or even sport-specific programs.

Strength Assessment

Jefit recently launched a new strength assessment feature. The Jefit assessment can be found under the profile tab. The assessment involves three tests, including total number of push-ups in a minute. In addition, you will be asked to perform a plank and wall squat for time. You accumulate points for each and have the option of getting tested every three months following the initial baseline and follow-up.

An exercise program can easily be manipulated by a coach for a client. There are many tools and unique features that Jefit Coach offers. For example, based on a clients 1-RM scores, a coach can adjust training volume in a workout, add or replace an exercise, or even suggest exercises to test a client or athletes on. This can be done for an individual, a group of clients or even a team. A coach can build a periodized strength training plan based on their clients short and long-term training goals. A coach can then monitor that program and track a clients progress over time and even suggest a test like a 225-lb. bench press test for repetitions.

Instant Messaging

Communication is paramount for any coach or trainer and their clients. The Jefit Coach platforms is a communication tool that allows coaches to have a dedicated channel to talk with one or hundreds of clients at a time. Just having the ability to stay connected to clients remotely 24/7 regarding aspects of a workout or training program is well, priceless.

Coach Branding

Trying to separate yourself and your business from the rest of the pack can be a full-time job. Having a seat at the table with the Jefit Coach platform will help both you and your brand stand out. You can build an online profile and presence that highlights your expertise and experience. Check out Jefit Coach and sign-up for a FREE 7-Day Trial now. For more information, please email and Stay Strong with Jefit.

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Use Jefit App to Record & Track Your Workouts

Jefit app was named best app for 2022 and 2023 by PC MagazineMen’s HealthThe Manual and the Greatist. The app comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and features to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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