woman preparing to workout

8 Health & Fitness Podcasts for Mind, Body and Spirit

Ditch the music and try listening to a podcast the next time you exercise. In fact, combining exercise with a good, educational health & fitness podcast has been a savor for many people, myself included. To nourish the mind, body and spirit with a little “food for thought” is a good thing. A Runner’s World survey found that nearly 20 percent of runners listen to podcasts while jogging. Maybe it’s time to change things up a bit for the next workout by replacing music with an informative podcast?

The Explosive Growth of Podcasts

It feels as though we’re getting new health & fitness podcast recommendations seemingly on a daily basis. More than one-third of Americans (104 million) now listen to one or more podcasts each month. In 2017, 40 percent of Americans 12 or older had listened to a podcast, compared to 55 percent in 2020. That is a significant jump according to The Infinite Dial 2020® research group. A 2018 article featured in Fast Company reported 525,000 active podcast shows with 18.5 million total episodes consumed. That number now, only a few years later, is at 29 million episodes. In 2020, more than 155 million people listen to a weekly podcast. There are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally as of 2023. This number is predicted to reach 504.9 million by 2024. The podcast industry market size is $23.56 billion.

With so many podcast out there, where do you even begin to look to find the best rated shows? There are always recommendations from family and friends that you can check out. If you’re looking for other suggestions though, take a look at our list that includes some of the better health & fitness podcast. If time is an issue, try to listen to one on your next walk, run or at the gym. You can click any of the show icons below to visit and download the podcast if you desire.

My most recent podcast find, in September 2023, is a great one from Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. He is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. His popular podcast is called the Huberman Labs where he and his guests discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Monday. “His podcast has been viewed more than 140 million times on YouTube, and his monthly newsletter has more than 100,000 subscribers. “Huberman Lab” explains science-based techniques to improve listeners’ lives, promising “low cost” ways to fight depression, reduce hair loss, build muscle mass and sleep better.”

Another great, informational podcast is called All About Fitness. Pete McCall is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), international presenter, host of the All About Fitness podcast, fitness blogger and an author of several articles, textbook chapters and the book Smarter Workouts: the Science of Exercise Made Simple. This is an educational podcast where you can pick up more than a few exercise tips.

Best Health & Fitness Podcast

10% happier
An informative podcast from former ABC News Anchor Dan Harris. After leaving his news job he started the company 10% Happier. I read his meditation book (that was great) and you’ll love his podcast – to help set your mind right. Podcast #286 in particular, with Dr. Mark Hyman titled “Feeding the Mind” was a great episode that I really enjoyed and you will too.
Move your DNA
Katy Bowman, MS, has a great book out as well with the same title that I highly recommend. She has a great YouTube video out on The Difference Between Movement vs. Exercise. Katy is one of those movement experts who really gets it and “walks the walk.” This is a must-listen to podcast to find out new ways to add more movement into your day. Love her “movement as nutrition” philosophy. This is one health & fitness podcast you should like.
paleo solution podcast
Robb Wolff, PhD, has a very informative podcast – not to mention a few best-selling books. The show can get deep into the weeds sometimes. His knowledge base, though is off the charts and you’ll learn a ton. I know he owned a well-known Crossfit on the West Coast at one time (and may still do). If you’re looking for more knowledge on eating clean, Paleo diet and nutrition – this would be a great start.
food psych podcast
Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, is among other things a registered dietitian. Her weekly show will offer great insight into the current diet culture in this country.

Ted Health
TED Talks have always been informative and now you can listen to health-related shows daily. To make life easy, here is a link of the 10 best health & fitness TED Talks.
The Doctor's Pharmacy
Dr. Mark Hyman has long been a favorite doc and author of mine. Now you can listen to him to “fuel” your mind and body. After reading one of his earlier books, UltraMetabolism, I knew I liked his way of thinking. Since then he has 13 books on the NYT best seller list. You can get a taste of his knowledge by listening to an interview by Dan Harris in the 10% Happier podcast.

Our list includes just a few of the many great health & fitness podcast currently available. Lastly, we could all use a fresh perspective while working out or when out for a run or hike. Listening to an insightful podcast while exercising can help in that area and now you have a new show for each day of the week and then some.

Stay Strong Together

The award-winning Jefit app comes equipped with an advanced customizable workout planner and training log. In addition, the app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and has a feature to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for all your strength workout needs. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Try one of the new interval-based workouts and add it to your weekly training schedule.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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