Added Sugar Associated with More than Just Weight Gain

man picking breakfast ingredients

For anyone heading back to the gym to start the process of getting their body out of pandemic hibernation mode, the following information on added sugar, is for you! Added sugars are found in processed foods. They contain only four calories per gram, similar to protein, but when consumed in surplus, those calories can become “toxic

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Get Strong With the Pilates-based Hundred Exercise

man practicing yoga pose

The Pilates workout developed over 100 years ago by former gymnast, Joseph Pilates (1880-1967) can be challenging. The idea behind it was basically to get people to exercise more while also helping them get out of pain. In the 1920’s he created an exercise routine consisting of 34 unique movements. One of the more challenging

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Fitness Industry Trends for 2021 According to ACSM

full leg rises on pull bar

As we transition into mid-year, Jefit wanted to take a look at the healthy and fitness industry trends. Each year the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) publishes their results on the top industry trends. The survey has occurred the last fifteen years and includes more than 4,000 industry professionals across various disciplines. No surprise

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