6 Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits of Walking

people walking on the beach

Robert Sallis, M.D., a sports medicine doctor with Kaiser Permanente, states, walking is the most studied form of exercise. Multiple studies have proven that the benefits of walking improve our overall health, and increase our longevity and functional years. We do it just about everyday of our lives, walking that is. The average moderately active person “takes

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How to Get Back on Track After Overeating: 9 Tips for Recovering from Binge Eating

woman holding hamburger platter

So, you’ve overeaten. That’s okay, most of us do it once in a while. With our favorite foods in front of us, it can be hard to stop sometimes. However, the aftermath often has us feeling bloated, full, and sometimes a bit upset with ourselves. It can be hard recovering from binge eating but to

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Try One of These 8 Exercise Programs on Jefit App

woman doing side lunge

The award-winning Jefit app currently offers more than three thousand different exercise programs. You name it, and Jefit offers it on their app. From basic strength programs, to muscle endurance, 5 x 5 training programs, bodyweight circuits and even Tabata and HIIT workouts. Individuals who use our app can try one of the exercise programs

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