Following a review of the Jefit app exercise database, the most often selected leg exercises, for the start of 2024, have been determined. With more than 1350 different exercises at their disposal, Jefit members chose the following leg exercises most often for their training programs. The number at the end of each each exercise name is where each of the exercises ranked on our top 25 list, which can be seen below.
5 Best Leg Exercises According to Jefit App Users
- Barbell Deadlift (5)
- Barbell Squat (6)
- Lying Leg Curl (11)
- Barbell Lunge (20)
- Leg Extensions (25)
Let’s take a look at each of these five exercises. Three of the five are compound exercises, the deadlift, squat, and lunge. When you haves minimal time to exercise, compound exercises are best. This type of movement is obviously great for any training circumstance. Compound exercises incorporate a great deal of muscle mass while performing movement across multiple joints. The other two, leg extension and leg curl, are not the most functional as we all know, but will always have a place in bodybuilding and in certain strength programs.
Most Often Selected Leg Exercise? Barbell Deadlift
The barbell deadlift is an ideal exercise for strengthening not only the legs but the hips and back muscles as well. A classic compound movement, this multi-joint exercise made the top 5 most often selected exercises determined by those using Jefit app. It also takes top honors for the most often selected leg exercise.
Barbell Squat
The barbell squat is another great, classic, compound movement that seems to always find its way into most strength training programs. Considered a truly functional strength exercise that will pack on muscle size in the lower body. Also ideal for developing overall strength and power. Anytime you can hold or carry a load on the back and shoulders, a by-product will be an improvement in core strength.
Machine Leg Curl
A single-joint exercise that will help develop posterior chain strength, specifically in the hamstring group. Not a very functional exercise though. Most likely better off performing single-leg Romanian deadlifts instead. Still, the exercise came in just outside of our top ten.
Barbell Lunge
Another great multi-joint exercise that many gym goers love. It is a perfect compliment exercise to any leg routine because of the demand the movement places on the hips and legs. The exercise is the twentieth most selected exercise in the entire Jefit exercise database and fourth best rated leg exercise.
Machine Leg Extension
This is the final leg exercise and second single-joint exercise, with the leg curl, to make the Jefit list. Not one of the most functional exercises but a great exercise to superset legs with or to place in a machine circuit. Ideal for the bodybuilding community to utilize for their training programs. Also, like leg curl, it’s a safe exercise to perform for many people such as older gym goers or someone coming back from an injury. Let us know if your favorite exercise made or didn’t make our list for the most often selected leg exercises by Jefit users.
Stay Strong Together
The Jefit app continues to be named one of the best strength training apps as seen for 2024 by PC Magazine, Forbes, Garage Gym Reviews and many others. It comes equipped with an advanced, customizable workout planner, training log, the ability to track data and share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s huge exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.
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