Looking for a few good Jefit exercises to change things up? Look no further. The following five core exercises are the most popular in the Jefit 1400 exercise database. When the entire exercise database was reviewed, 24 exercises had more than a million downloads. Of these exercises, six targeted the abdominal area. Three of of the six were bodyweight only exercises.
Most Popular Jefit Exercises
The most popular core exercise of the top of the list is the air bike. Immediately following this great exercise, is another bodyweight ab exercise, leg raise. A great variation of this exercise (not on the top list) is the bench supine leg raise, which if performed correctly, can be more challenging. Coming in third on our top five list is the decline crunch. Again, if you’re in need of a variation of this exercise that is more challenging, try weight plate decline crunch.
The final two spots making up our list the hanging leg raise and oblique crunch. Each one of these core exercise is an effective one and will get you on the road to developing ripped abs.
Five Challenging Ab Exercises
- Air Bike (bodyweight)
- Leg Raise (bodyweight)
- Decline Crunch (machine or bench)
- Hanging Leg Raise (pull-up bar)
- Oblique Crunch (bodyweight)
Add a few of these popular ab exercises into your next program or try each of them in a bodyweight, interval-based circuit. If you need a bonus sixth ab exercise, that would be crunches. The exercise came in at number six and if you need something more challenging try weighted crunches. Stay strong with Jefit.
Make Jefit Your Planning & Tracking App for 2022
Millions of members (9.7 million to be exact) have had great success using the award winning app. Jefit is a fitness app that comes equipped with a customizable workout planner, training log, the ability to track data and share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s 1400 exercise database for all of your strength workout needs. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Stay strong with Jefit.