Improve Glute and Low Back Strength with these 3 Exercises

Two key areas to focus on to improve posterior chain strength are the glute and low back areas. Posterior chain is a catch-all phrase that includes the following five muscle groups that comprise the backside of the body.

Posterior Chain

In today’s article we will look at a few exercises that will strengthen three of those areas, the glutes, hamstrings and (low) back.

Barbell Hip Thrust

A great exercise to develop hp strength, specifically the glutes. Remember to look down as you drive the hips up away from the floor.

Cable Pull Through

Focus on keeping the arms straight as you extend the hips. At the end of each repetition contracts the glutes.

Reverse Hyper (Flat Bench)

This useful hip extension movement can be done in and out of the gym. Develops strength in the glutes and hamstring muscles.

Final Thought

As you can see with the three exercises we chose today, hip extension plays a big role. Muscles like the hamstrings, glutes and low back (spinal erectors), are all activated to perform the various movements. You get a lot of bang for your buck with these east-to-do exercises. Building a strong posterior chain will help with ADL’s (activities of daily living), all athletic movements, while also playing a big role in maintaining good posture.

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