3 Cardio Products that are Really Great for Weight Loss

There are many cardio products on the market that can help when it comes to your weight loss efforts. But which ones are the best? The answer you typically hear is “the best one is the one you’re going to use the most.” Well, that may be true but you also want a piece of equipment that involves a large percentage of muscle during use. Another question to ask yourself, would it be more efficient to use a standing or seated piece of exercise equipment? Some equipment that may come to mind may be an erg or rowing machine, an elliptical product or assault bike. All three of which are excellent choices.

Getting back to cardio equipment that requires sitting versus standing position to operate. An efficient standing product would be a vertical climber. similar to the old versa climbers that are still around. But like with everything else, technology has improved the look and feel of this product. Check out the Climbr. This may be of a more functional product for some to try, especially if you’re seated most of the day for work and commute.

The following three cardio products, in no particular order, offer great workouts when choosing indoor equipment. Each one can also be used at the gym, in the homes and hotels.

Rowing Machine

There have been some research studies over the years showing the many benefits of rowing. It has been reported that the fluid activity utilizes 85 percent of the muscles covering your body!

By setting the damper to “10” you’ll allow the most airflow and therefore maximizes resistance when rowing. A “1” permits little airflow and minimizes resistance. Beginner rowers should start in the 3-5 range when setting the damper before starting to row. According to Harvard Health, a 125-pound person can expect to burn 255 calories in 30-minutes of vigorous rowing. A 155-pound person can burn 369 calories, while a 185-pound individual can expect to burn about 450 calories.

Assault Bike

Many consider this exercise one of the most strenuous cardio activities. There is no resting when this is perform correctly, compared to say rowing, where you have a slight pause between strokes. It would take you 33-minutes to burn 500 calories on an assault bike if you’re a 185-pound person, according to Harvard Medical School.

Vertical Climber

A vertical climber is considered one of the best total body workouts available today. As with the other two products mentioned, “you’re going to get out of it what you put into it.” Like going through the motions and not breaking a sweat by the end of a workout. A good goal for some, mix up your longer duration training days with interval based training sessions for best results. Once a week use a heart rate monitor and train at a predetermined heart rate level. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a 30-minute workout session will burn between 300 – 800 calories.

Final Thoughts

Let’s just say you will never hurt your weight loss chances by choosing any of the three cardio products mention. Each piece of equipment by itself offers a total body workout that can expend maximal calories in minimal time. If in fact you spend the majority of your day driving to/from work and then sit all day, you may want to choose more of an upright activity like a vertical climber. If you don’t have access to this or any other equipment, choose a jump rope, go for a quick run, a long hike or take a swim. Stay strong!

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Michael Wood, CSCS
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