4 Great Exercise Tips for a Better Gym Workout

You see it at least once every time you’re working out at the gym. Someone is lifting heavy weights, which is a good thing, but their exercise form is an accident waiting to happen! Is good exercise technique more important than lifting heavy? Both are needed of course, and with the right mindset, both can be an integral part of a workout. Here are a few reasons why it’s so important to focus on proper form and technique during each set and every workout.

You’re Only a Rep Away from Getting Injured

Executing proper form during each repetition with every set of exercise, is important mainly because of one word…injury. Mastering technique for each lift you perform, in the gym or at home, will help keep injuries at bay. If for no other reason, this one is a big one. The last thing you want is to pull a back muscle during a deadlift or strain your neck while pressing weight overhead. Simply rounding your back while executing a deadlift or squat can do exactly that! Good form, proper body mechanics, and core stabilization during any lift, will improve the efficiency of the movement and help prevent a possible injury.

Improper Form Recruits Other Muscle Groups into Play

An exercise like a barbell biceps curl is not meant to be a total body lift. When someone uses momentum, swinging the upper body, in order to “assist” in curling the weight, takes away from maximally working the biceps through a full range of motion. Another exercise that is often performed using improper form is the bench press. You can feel that low back arching off the bench as you read this. Any time someone uses improper form during a lift, especially during an isolation movement, that muscle group will not get worked as efficiently when executing a movement with correct form.

Good Exercise Form Helps You Reach Goals Faster

It takes someone typically much longer to reach their fitness goals when improper form is continually used. Not to mention, that person usually has to deal with a higher rate of injury. Using proper form places your muscle in perfect alignment, and from this vantage point, the muscle is able to generate the highest amount of force. This in turn, can potentially increase strength at a faster rate while reaching your fitness goals quicker, like hitting a new 1-RM.

It is your call but using good form when lifting heavy continues to beneficial in regard to reaching any goals faster and avoiding injuries.

Thorough Warm-Up Improves Workout Session

If you doubt the benefits of a proper warm-up, try this easy test. Perform the same workout twice this week. During the first session, do what you typically do before a workout. Following one to two days of recovery, try the same workout. This time though, perform a thorough warm-up prior to the session. Try a dynamic warm-up, maybe a few minutes of jumping rope, and then use a foam roller. Take a good 15-20 minutes to complete everything. You should have a light sweat following your pre routine. Guarantee you’ll feel more “open” and more explosive. Now your ready to push the weights!

Stay Strong Together

Jefit app was named best fitness app for 2023 by the International Association of Strength Coaches. Also, LifewireGLAMOUR, and many others, also showed their love for the app. The app comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. Take advantage of Jefits exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Michael Wood, CSCS