How to Avoid Injuries: Keep the Lower Leg Healthy

One of the more neglected areas on the body is the lower leg. When we speak of the lower leg, in this article, we’re referring to everything from the knee down. In other words, the muscles that make up the anterior and posterior aspects of the lower leg, the ankle and foot. It’s time to give these areas more love. The more attention given now to these muscles, the better off you’re going to be in the long run.

Give Your Feet More Love

We don’t realize just how important the feet are until an injury arises. We have all sprained an ankle or worse at some point. Getting around the house, driving and exercise all become major tasks. The best medicine for the feet is paying them attention. Here are a few ideas to try.

Even when they are not bothering you, use a tennis ball or foam roller, periodically, to roll out the bottom of the feet. In the morning, as your drinking your coffee and looking at texts and emails, soak your feet for 20-minutes in epsom salt. Better yet, try getting a massage or have myofascial release done on your feet.

Stretch and Strengthen the Lower Leg

If you have been ignoring your lower legs, stop now and focus on them before each training session. To begin with, use a foam roller to roll out the front and side of the lower leg. These are the tibialis anterior and peroneal muscles. Next, roll out the calf and soleus muscles. A tennis ball or lacrosse ball also works nicely on the posterior leg regarding any tight muscle or connect tissue. This should done on a regular basis. Make it part of your new injury prevention warm-up routine.

Woman receiving foot massage service from masseuse close up at hand and foot - relax in foot massage therapy service concept

The Jefit app offers some great lower leg strength exercises, see our partial list below, for a few examples. Check out the award-winning Jefit app for more. Add these as part of leg day to build or maintain your strength level.

Final Thoughts

The thing with any neglected areas on your body, they may be fine now, but it’s usually only a matter of time. Injuries eventually come knocking especially after (1) coming back form a ong lay-off and (2) they can become more prevalent with aging. Just with a few of our friends, I think we have four or five guys who have torn an achilles tendon. That is usually preventable if you follow some of the recommendations found here.

Stay Strong Together

Jefit app, named best fitness app for 2023 by the International Association of Strength CoachesLifewireGLAMOUR, and many others, comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. Take advantage of Jefits exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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