Hard to belief but there are actually some fruits that contain a surprising amount of protein. Anyone whose seriously into working out understands how difficult it can be to reach daily protein needs. Anyone who strength trains regularly with a goal to build muscle mass, may need more protein than they realize. The current RDA suggestion for protein is 0.8 grams/kilogram/body weight/day. This amount is ideal if you’re looking to maintain current levels. For those looking to build muscle mass, will need more than the recommended daily allowance that is typically reported. Everybody is unique and has different needs when it comes to protein intake.
In any event, you can only eat so much chicken, eggs, and tuna fish. A great way to bolster protein levels and aid muscle protein synthesis, is to supplement meals with other types of protein, like fruit and vegetables. Today, we’ll focus on how to best do that with fruit. You’re probably thinking right about now… fruit has protein? yes, it has protein, not to mention, they are a great source of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Which Fruits Have the Highest Amount of Protein?
So let’s look at the question asked above and try to answer it. The first fruit that comes to mind is avocado. They are loaded with nutrients and contain protein too. Another fruit that made our list is guava, which contains a good amount of protein and packed with vitamins. The typical fruit has about 1-2 grams of protein per cup. We are looking for fruits with slightly more protein. The third fruit is an apricot and rounding out our list are kiwis.
Fruits can be a pretty good source of protein, though they tend to have less protein than vegetables, beans, nuts, and other high protein foods. Again, we’re looking for ways to supplement the diet with protein for those who need more protein or want a change in what they’re currently eating. Some helpful tools to use are MyToolData and MyFitnesspal and Fooducate apps. Please note, there are other fruits that have more protein but they did not make the list because they are harder to find or are grown in only certain regions.
Fruits that Have a Surprising Amount of Protein
California Avocados
- Each cup of California avocado contains 4.5 grams of protein.
- Choose California avocado over regular avocado (4 grams/cup).
- One ounce has 50 calories.
- Avocados are high in fat. But it’s monounsaturated fat, which is the “good” fat that helps lower bad cholesterol, as long as you eat them in moderation.
- 1 cup contains 289 calories and 15.6 grams of fiber.
- An average-sized avocado offers between 11-17 gram of fiber!
- Packed with lots of vitamin C, phosphorus, vitamin K and potassium.
- California avocados have 20 percent fewer calories and 13 percent less fat than Florida avocados.
- 1 cup of guava contains 4.2 grams of protein.
- Comprised of 82 percent water, 15 percent carbohydrate, 3 percent protein and 1 percent fat.
- This fruit contains an AMAZING AMOUNT of Vitamin C = 419 percent of RDA.
- 1 cup has 15 percent of RDA for potassium.
- 1 cup of guava has 17 percent more lycopene than tomatoes. Lycopene protect against free radicals more than any carotenoid.
- 1 cup of guava cubes has 688 mg of potassium, 63 percent more than a medium banana.
- Studies show people who eat more potassium rich food have lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
- 1 cup of apricots contain 2.2 grams of protein.
- Loaded with vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin A and sugar (but they are natural not added sugars).
- Two medium apricots have about 1.5 grams/fiber, 13 mg/phytosterols, a plant chemical that offers many health benefits.
- Originally from China, where they have grown for more than 4,000 years.
- The recommended portion is 30 grams (about 3 or 4 apricots).
- They are rich in plant antioxidants.
- 1 cup of kiwi has 2.1 grams of protein.
- Considered a great healing food because they are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients.
- A study at Rutgers University looked at the nutritional value of 75 fruits and found kiwis were the most nutrient dense of all fruits.
- They have almost twice the vitamin C of oranges.
- Two medium kiwis have about 5 grams/fiber.
Final Thought
Hopefully, you’re already eating most of these fruits and if not, maybe you should think about trying to? You can definitely increase your daily protein intake by adding more fruit to your diet. In addition, you will also take in additional vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more! Any nutritionist will tell you that your daily diet should start with 5-a-day servings of vegetables and fruits. Meaning, eat 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits each day. Thinking about fruit differently now, will help in this department as well.
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