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Is Cardio Better than Strength Training for Managing Stress?

woman lifting ez bar

When considering the benefits of regular exercise, most people immediately think of things like improved strength, stamina, and overall physical health. An additional, often under appreciated use of exercise is its role in stress management. Exercise as stress relief is a well-known concept, but if you want to maximize the benefits of exercise for stress

Is Cardio Better than Strength Training for Managing Stress? Read More »

Helpful Tips You Need to Know About Jefit Iron Points

iron points

The Jefit app offers members an opportunity to continually earn iron points for logging workout data, sharing items in the community and much more. Many Jefit users have said that iron points are a great motivational tool that helps them workout more consistently. One of the many great things about Jefit iron points is having

Helpful Tips You Need to Know About Jefit Iron Points Read More »

Have You Tried Jefit’s Audio Cue Workouts Yet?

woman preparing to deadlift

Jefit strives to continually improve upon their award-winning app. One of the more recent updates includes select workouts accompanied with trainer audio cues. There are dozens of new bodyweight and strength training workouts found on both Android and iOS platforms. The programs are featured on Jefit Elite or the free version of the app. All

Have You Tried Jefit’s Audio Cue Workouts Yet? Read More »

Are You on Board with the New Obesity Paradigm?

muscular man holding walnuts

Some scientists are starting to believe that obesity research has been coming from a failed paradigm. For close to a hundred years now it has been believed that the cause of obesity was a surplus of calories. When a person takes in more calories than they expend, overtime, that individual becomes overweight. Many think, however,

Are You on Board with the New Obesity Paradigm? Read More »

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