shirtless man flipping heavy tire

How to Add a Custom Exercise

The award winning app, JEFIT, offers users the ability to build custom exercises. When looking to add a custom exercise to a workout program, and that exercise is not currently one of Jefit’s 1,400+ exercises found in their database, try building your own by following these steps:

Custom Exercise Instructions for Android

  • Tap the exercises tab at bottom of the page.
  • Click muscle group area where you want to add a customize an exercise (i.e.”Core”).
  • Tap the button labeled “Custom” and then tap “Create Custom Exercise”
  • Fill in the exercise Name, how the exercise will be logged (record type), and which muscles are used (Main Muscle).
  • You can also add a link to a photo or upload an image from your phone if you have an Elite subscription.
how to add a custom exercise

Custom Exercise Instructions for iOS

  • Tap the Exercises tab at bottom of page.
  • Pick the muscle group of the new exercise you would like to add (i.e “Core”).
  • Tap the button labelled “Custom” and then tap “Create Custom Exercise” at the bottom of the page.
  • Fill in the exercise Name, how the exercise will be logged (record type), and which muscles are used (Main Muscle).
  • You can also add a link to a photo or upload an image from your phone if you have an Elite subscription.
how to add a custom exercise on iOS

We hope this simplifies your process when adding a custom exercise to one of your strength training workouts on the Jefit app.

Use Jefit to Record & Track Your Custom Exercises and More

Try Jefit app, named best app for 2020 and 2021 by PC MagazineMen’s HealthThe Manual and the Greatist. The app comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. In addition, the app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and has a feature to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Try one of the new interval-based workouts and add it to your weekly training schedule. Stay strong with Jefit as you live your fitness lifestyle.

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