How Jefit App Improves Workout Efficiency in the Gym

An important component of any exercise session is workout efficiency. This is often the missing link to strength gains in the gym or home. There are four components that go into this: Training, Actual, Rest and Waste. The last term, waste, is defined simply as “wasted time” during a given workout. We are all guilty of this at times. The more you focus on the time spent working out, the better off you will be. This is because you’ll be less likely to lose motivation to exercise and your muscles end up getting worked more overall.

Jefit App Improves Workout Efficiency

We all know the deal when we exercise at the gym or in our home. Time is spent on the duration of each exercise performed. Then there is time utilized on rest or recovery between each set of exercises. After that, it’s all up to you in terms of how long each workout will take. If you’re into the social scene at the gym, you know it can take an hour or two before you hit the shower.

The key is reducing “wasted” time. This is time beyond exercise duration and rest time. Why? Because you can get more bang for your buck if you do. Who wouldn’t want to squeeze in more sets of a favorite exercise or work a neglected body part longer? You can, when you eliminate what Jefit refers to as “Waste” time on their app (see photos below).

What is Considered Wasted Time in the Gym?

Here is an easy way to think about workout “waste” time moving forward. It will also help, in turn, to improve your workout efficiency if interested. Keep the following formula in mind during each workout.

Waste Time = Training – Actual – Rest

Many of us carve out time each week dedicated to working out. In order to get better at whatever you do in the gym, quality time is paramount to develop movement skills and lifting technique. When someone improves workout efficiency, more time is dedicated to their “actual” exercise. Meaning, their wasted time is reduced to a few minutes or better yet, to zero. Waste time is any left over time after your exercise and rest are subtracted from the time spent “training” at a location (gym or home). The important question is, what are you doing with that extra time? Talking with friends, stretching, etc.

Workout log
workout log
workout log

As you can see, from the three examples above, the workout on the left has a waste time that is too high (note: the app may have been left on post workout). The second, or middle picture, is better, while the last photo has a workout efficiency that is spot on (“0”). This person was extremely efficient and wasted no time during their workout session. We hope this article helps a bit with you having more efficient workouts.

Jefit: Stay Strong Together

The Jefit app comes equipped with an advanced customizable workout planner, training log, the ability to track data and share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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