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Success Story Showcase – Our Latest Series

Happy with the progress you’ve seen during your fitness journey? Share your success with the JEFIT community! In the past we have featured a couple different user’s fitness success stories. We will be featuring more JEFIT users in a new blog series and showcase the progress they’ve made throughout their journey. We can’t wait to get a more in depth look at the progress JEFIT community members have made. To submit your story, email with the following information:

  • A couple pictures of you. These can be before and after pictures or just pictures of you working out.
  • Any background info you want to include about who you are: Name, occupation, location, JEFIT username, etc
  • How did JEFIT help you with your fitness success?
  • Did you change up any of your other habits in addition to exercise/fitness? This can be anything from nutrition to sleep.
  • Any specific fitness goals that you have?
  • How has your fitness journey impacted your life?
  • Anything else you’d like to tell us? Pre workout/Post workout routines? A funny story about JEFIT?
  • Any tips you have for others starting their fitness journey?
  • If you started your fitness journey over today – what is something you would do differently or the biggest piece of advice you’d give yourself?

Don’t like email? Tag us in a post on one of our socials! Check out these links to see our Facebook and Instagram pages.

We look forward to showcases all the great success stories the community has to share!

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