man deadlifting barbell

5 Great Barbell Leg Exercises to Try

The body responds better when leg exercises are periodically changed in a strength training program. In terms of a time frame, roughly 6-8 weeks works well for switching things up. The body needs time to adapt to the stress (overload) of working out. Six to eight weeks is adequate time to allow for physiological adaptations to take place.

Everyone needs to change up their workout at some point in time, otherwise a training plateau will be reached. It is no different when it comes to leg day. The following exercise list for legs was taken from the Jefit exercise data base. These are the most popular barbell leg exercises in terms of number of downloads. The next time you want to add a new leg exercise, try one of these Jefit barbell leg exercises.


The barbell squat is the most popular Jefit leg exercise with more than 1.5 million downloads. This exercise is a must have in any strength training program. It is the perfect compound movement, to strengthen the hips and legs but also the core. A 2016 study in the Journal of Human Kinetics showed a 6-RM squat was better than a plank in terms of overall muscle activation.

Jefit Squat Variations


Another great barbell leg exercise, the lunge, has been downloaded 1.3 million times by member’s of the Jefit community. One reason it’s such a great exercise to add to any routine is because of the versatility. You can easily transition to performing front, side or rear lunges. The lunge offers a great workout for the legs and glutes. Finally, you can use the lunge to monitor any bi-lateral issues in strength or movement between left and right sides of the body.

Some Jefit Lunge Variations

Deep Squat

A prerequisite for performing a deep squat is good ankle mobility. A 2012 study published in the J. Strength & Conditioning Research, analyzed vertical jump while following a ten-week strength training program. The study focused on three squat variations: front squat, back squat, and partial squat. The results? Deep back squats improved vertical jump by increasing the ability to develop more force.

Barbell Deep Squat

Front Squat

Most strength and conditioning coaches will train their athletes on a front squat prior to doing any type of back squat. Both front squat and a deep squat can be used as an assessment tool. Each offer a great deal of information regarding movement limitations seen in the upper back, hips, legs, and ankles. Front squats requires more mobility than the back squat. Therefore, back squats may end up being the best option for someone with mobility issues….just keep the weight light.

Stiff-Leg Deadlift

Each of these exercises are great to do but the stiff-leg deadlift should be high on everyones leg list. The ability to perform a hip hinge is key in performing this movement correctly. Talk about the ideal low back, glute and hamstring workout. See this great video here by strength coach Adam Shafer.

Muscle Groups Worked

  • Hamstrings
  • Lower back
  • Glutes
  • Adductors
  • Forearm flexors
  • Calves
  • Lats

Most athletic activities requires what is known as triple extension. This refers to the simultaneous extension of three lower body joints: the hips, knees, and ankles. As an example, think of a counter movement jump. Exercises like a squat can help to strengthen this action. What bodyweight exercise replicates his? box jumps or jumping in general. Mixing some of the five barbell leg exercises into your next few strength training programs will help with this and much more!

Suggested Reading

Clark D. et al. (2012). Muscle Activation in the Loaded Free Barbell Squat: A Brief Review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26 (4): 1169- 1178. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31822d533d

Stay Strong Together with Jefit

Jefit, named best strength app by Men’s Health, Greatest, Forbes Health, Men’s Journal and many others, has a community responsible for 92,000,000 workouts to date! The app, which recently passed 10 million downloads, comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio coaching cues, and can share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. #staystrongtogether

Michael Wood, CSCS
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