Look at any exercise book, website or app, and you will find hundreds of different exercises. Those exercises can be performed in many different ways via a multitude of exercise variations. The Jefit app, as one example, features more than 1300 different exercises. What are some of the best exercises to build strength though? Let’s take a look at a few of Jefit’s favorite exercises that can do just that.
Best for Overall Strength? The Deadlift
Overall strength is needed for activities of daily living and it’s obviously very important for any athletic activity or workout. The deadlift is a great exercise because it’s whats known as a compound exercise. Meaning, multiple muscle groups work concurrently to execute the movement. As a result, an increase in strength will occur, over time, in the core, legs, back, hips and grip. The glutes and hamstrings are the prime movers during this movement. An additional nine other muscles also get utilized. The deadlift is great for improving explosive hip extension strength.
Use a Hex Bar, if possible, it’s a lot easier to use than a barbell when initially performing a deadlift.
The squat is always a main exercise featured in any strength program and for good reason. Squats, especially front squats, are also great for a beginner level person compared to say a deadlift. Knee-dominant exercise, like the squat, target the quadriceps muscles. The glutes also come into play during the execution of this compound movement. In addition, like the deadlift, nine other muscle groups also get hit.
Many strength coaches actually teach the front squat before back squat. It’s not about the amount of weight a person uses but rather using good technique and moving through a full range-of-motion. As a former assistant strength coach at UConn, we use to have all our athletes start fresh because so many coming in had bad habits. We gave each student-athlete, what we called, a chronological training age of zero. Once they had proper technique down they then progressed to bigger and better things with the squat and other movements.
This exercise can be very challenging for a novice but it’s a great way to build upper body strength. The pull-up uses an overhand grip compared to a chin-up, which has the palms facing towards the person. This is a great exercise to test your upper body “pulling” strength. They can tell someone a great deal about where they’re at training wise. Seven muscle groups get stronger doing this compound movement, including the latissimus dorsi, and biceps.
If pull-ups are too difficult initially, try chin-ups first or do negative pull-ups. Try jumping up and let yourself return to the starting position in a slow controlled manner. Also, try either an inverted row or connect a giant band to try assisted pull-up using less of your body weight, as additional options.

Overhead Pressing Movements
An efficient way to build shoulder, core and overall strength is by lifting weight overhead. Lifting a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbell overhead develops strength in the shoulders, back, arms and core. Any vertical pressing movement also works different muscle that act as stabilizers from the foot up through the shoulder complex.
Remember to move the head forward as you press the weight overhead. Also, keep areas of your body, like glutes and core braced (or tight) when performing the exercise.
Bent-Over Row
A Bent-Over Row, using a barbell or dumbbells, is one of the best pulling movements a person can do. It ranks near the top for exercises in terms of muscle recruitment. See this previously published article on the Jefit blog that discusses this topic more in depth. This particular exercise is perfect for any push/pull routine and is a nice compliment to a barbell or dumbbell chest press. In addition, work on changing up both grip (over/under hand) and hand position on the bar (narrow/wide).
Work first on performing scapular retraction before any pulling or rowing motion is attempted.
Bench Press
Saving the best for last, the bench press is a versatile exercise that can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells and kettlebells. It’s a great exercise to build upper body strength, especially in the chest, shoulder and arms. As a result, it’s a great compound or multi-joint exercise and a must in a strength training routine.
Change it up every 4-6 weeks. Meaning, make your grip wider, more narrow, switch barbell to dumbbells, change the speed of the movement, adjust the incline on the bench, try a decline position, etc.
Adding any of these six exercises into your Jefit routine, at any given time, will help build strength in both the prime movers and smaller stabilizing muscles. These particular exercises are some of the best multi-joint exercises to build muscle strength and size.
Stay Strong Together
Jefit app, has a community responsible for 92,000,000 workouts to date! The app, which has >12 million downloads, comes equipped with an adavanced customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio coaching cues, and can share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Jefit was named best strength training app for 2024, by PC Magazine, Forbes, and Garage Gym Reviews.
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