More individuals are exercising from home over the past few months than probably ever before! Think about that for a moment. As a result, more health and fitness-related technology companies are pivoting their business’ making adjustments in order to meet these needs. Staying in shape while staying at home is now becoming big business. Beginning this week, certain states have begun to open slowly; it will be a while though until everything is up and running at full capacity. Even when that day comes, some experts have gone on record saying things may never be like they once were. With that said, its probably time to seriously think about transitioning aspects of gym routine to your home or apartment.
Some of the many benefits of working out at home are you don’t need much space and equipment to get started. We have previously discussed the topic of designing your at home program on the Jefit blog. This is where an app like Jefit can help in a major way with planning and tracking all of your workouts while at home. Here are two programs that you should checkout for that next home circuit workout or dumbbell routine.
Benefits of Working Out at Home You Save $$$
Need Minimal Equipment
You Save Time
Do it at Your Convenience
You Have Better Concentration
No Ego Involved
Listen to Your Own Music (and usually as loud as you want)
No Commute
Equipment is Always Available – No Waiting for Machines!

Staying in Shape While at Home Podcast
Ira Wood is the long-time host of a podcast called the Lowdown that airs on WOMR-FM, located on picturesque Cape Cod (Provincetown, MA). Mr. Wood is an amazing host, long time radio personality, author and lecturer. Ira Wood is married to the poet/novelist, Marge Piercy.
Mr. Wood, an avid-exerciser himself, wanted to talk about some of the exercise-related things people could do from home, and I was happy to oblige. The result was an informative 30-minute podcast, where we discussed just about every aspect of staying in shape while at home. The cool thing was we got to talk a great deal about Jefit, the award-winning app. We talked about all aspects of the app and how an individual user can benefit from digital technology. Below is a link to the show we did in April. The show was recently turned into a podcast.
Stay Strong Together
The Jefit app comes equipped with an advanced customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and features to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals.
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