Expert - Cardio - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Cardio figure highlighted in blue



Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue

Upper Legs

Lower Legs figure highlighted in blue

Lower Legs

Recommended Equipment

Body Only equipment

Body Only

How to do it

The Burpee is an advanced exercise that builds aerobic fitness and work capacity. Begin in a standing position.

Stand in athletic posture with feet hip to shoulder width apart and toes pointing forward. Draw in the abs.

Squat down driving the hips back as far as possible.

Once maximum squat depth has been reached, place the hands on the floor about 1.5-2x shoulder width. Kick the feet out from underneath the body rapidly putting the body into a push up position with the legs extended and toes pointing straight toward the floor.

Perform a push up. Keeping the body in a straight line with glutes tight, lower the chest to the floor moving through a maximum range that technique can be maintained.

Reverse the pattern rapidly extending the arms. Jump the feet back underneath the body to position for a squat jump.

Transition quickly into a jump, swinging the arms up overhead. Land as quietly as possible with toes pointing forward, knees following toes and neutral spine.

Reset and repeat. Maintain posture throughout. Avoid excessive slouching of the shoulders or spine, letting the head jut forward, knees collapse in or toes pointing outward.