JEFIT Exercise Database

Exercises By Muscle Group

Find exercises that work out the muscle groups you're targeting.

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Change up your routine with one of these exercises!

Stability Ball Wall Squat
Upper Legs, Back, Glutes
Barbell 1/2 Squat
Upper Legs, Glutes, Lower Legs
Side Plank
Abs, Back, Glutes
Smith Machine Deadlift
Back, Glutes, Upper Legs
Kneeling Hip Extension
Upper Legs, Other
Kneeling Side Bend
Abs, Back, Shoulders
Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up Lunge
Shoulders, Upper Legs, Abs
Kettlebell Seated Press
Shoulders, Triceps, Other
Shoulder Circles
Shoulders, Other
Machine Calf Press
Lower Legs, Other
Dragon Flag
Abs, Shoulders, Upper Legs