The Strength Plan: Compound Movements routine by JefitTeam is a 3 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve bulking fitness goals.
Plan Description
This intermediate routine is all about building size and strength - over time - using strictly compo...
This intermediate routine is all about building size and strength - over time - using strictly compound exercises. These are exercises that involve working multiple joints during a particular movement, like a Squat (hip, knee & ankle) or Pull-up (shoulder & elbow) as examples.
These type of exercises recruit and stimulate more muscle fiber than traditional isolation exercises like a bicep curl (elbow only).
Compound movements are known to build muscle size and strength if the sets are pushed to a particular repetition maximum (RM). In the case of this routine, if you see 3x8 this means each set is your 8RM, meaning they most weight you can handle using good form.
Combining different barbell and dumbbell exercises to overload the same body part also works great in terms of a better overall muscle recruitment. The rep. sequence for that is typically 4-6 reps via barbell and 8-12 reps via dumbbell. You can lift 20% more weight using a barbell vs a DB but DB’s often elicit higher muscle activation.
In addition, push the protein post workout (and throughout your day) and get plenty of rest to optimize your recovery process.
Stay Strong Together,
Workout 1: Full Body
Est time: 64 min
9 exercises
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