man being coached through bench press

How Do You Compare? Try Jefit’s New Records Feature

Jefit app recently introduced new functionality that offers the ability to compare workout logs with another date and or friends. We can all use a little motivation when it comes to getting more out of our workouts over the course of the year. This new compare records feature, found on both Android and iOS platforms, will help with that and much more.

Compare Records Feature

The new functionality will help you understand both the similarity and dissimilarity of workout records between you and your friends. You can also use the feature to see your workout progress. This could help in terms of motivation and productivity while in the gym. Please note that you can only compare your records to the friends who are already in your friend list. Also, no one other than yourself, can see any of the comparisons that you choose to look at. Watch the short video below to get a better understanding of how it works.

Compare Records Short Video

What Can You Actually Compare?

The new functionality will allow someone to compare the following four benchmarks:

  • Total Workout Time
  • Bench Press (1-RM)
  • Squat (1-RM)
  • Deadlift (1-RM)

Where to Find Compare Records

how to compare your stats with the community
how to compare your stats with the community
how to compare your stats with the community

The screen shots above can be compared to either yourself over time or any of your friends in your friend list. You can compare the items each week, monthly, 3-months, 6-months or 12-months. Give the new compare records feature a try and let us know what you think. Stay Strong with Jefit!

Stay Strong & Motivated using Jefit App

Jefit was recently named best online strength training workout for 2021 in an article published by Healthline. The app comes equipped with a customizable workout planner and training log. The app has ability to track data, offer audio cues, and features to share workouts with friends. Take advantage of Jefit’s exercise database for your strength workouts. Visit our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Try one of the new interval-based workouts and add it to your weekly training schedule. Stay strong with Jefit.

Michael Wood, CSCS
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