The 5/3/1 routine by JefitTeam is a 4 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
<b>Who is this workout plan for?</b>
Popularized among lifting communities in many forms (including...
<b>Who is this workout plan for?</b>
Popularized among lifting communities in many forms (including a 7/5/3 form), the 531 program is a program that works for beginners and scales with you as you get stronger. Before starting this workout program we do recommend you get comfortable with performing the big lifts: squats, overhead press, deadlift and benchpress.
<b>The 4 week cycle</b>
The program's key component is building up towards a PR week where you hit new weight PRs. Before starting the program you want to figure out your 1 rep max for each of the 4 core workouts: Military Shoulder Press, Deadlift, Bench Press and Squat. After doing so in each of the 4 weeks your rep scheme would be as follows:
Week 1 - 3 sets, 5 reps, 65% / 75% / 85% of 1RM
Week 2 - 3 sets, 3 reps, 70% / 80% / 90% of 1RM
Week 3 - 3 sets, 5 / 3 / 1 reps, 75% / 85% / 95% of 1RM
Week 4 - 3 sets, 5 reps, 40% / 50% / 60% of 1RM
<b>Warming Up</b>
Especially for compound lifts we recommend warming up with lighter weights before your working sets. A common warmup scheme is 10-15 sets with a very light weight, followed by intermediate sets until you do 1 rep of your working weight.
<b>Reps, Sets and Rest</b>
There are many different rep schemes that'll help you reach your goals. We've set 3 sets of 8 reps by default, but feel free to change it to your own liking.
<b>Getting Help</b>
If you need some help getting started, join our <a href = "">facebook group</a> and our team and existing community would be happy to help!
Workout 1 - Military Press
Est time: 37 min
3 exercises
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